Innocence White Reminiscence Black

Long Gone Last Innocence ~ Fateful Haunting Reminiscence

I Just ...

Hmm...another busy day in the life of a boy. Got mixed up with a lot of stuff that I don't really have time to actually update my blog. But thankful now I got a little bit time to spare. So I'm gonna do the best I can. Well...these past few days are just so reflective. I've been giving myself some spending time to be isolated from the world and drown myself into my writing. I'm getting comfortable with it and I don't restrict myself when it comes to writing stuff anymore. A lot of serious stuff going on and I just want to put them into words. As you all know, it's my ultimate escapism from the world. Trying to take risk a little bit by writing lines regarding alcoholism, broken family and I started writing about a lot of new things as well, stuff that I didn't even bother to look at but they turned out to be something meaningful in the end. And also, I started writing about death, which is a theme I haven't been writing for quite a while. Not to forget, my style of writing is now becoming comfortable too. I'm trying to lose myself and write simple lines but still convey much meaning, while still sticking to my old style of writing that I'm trying to refine. All these new stuff that I wrote are, as usual, very moody and dark. But I couldn't help myself from being true to my feelings right now, which falls somewhere between joy and grieve, and write something out of those feelings. And a very good friend of mine really enjoyed reading them, I couldn't be much happier. I just want this joy of writing to always be with me and the muse and stories, whether they are creation or just a true-story kind of writing, will not end. So I could to tell these to all people that I love and out there I'm saying something and I want them to have a little space in their heart and mind to figure them out ...


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