With such proud and arrogance, I would like to confess something here. I am not a good writer, even a good judge over things revolving around me. I am not Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson or whoever literary figure that you may be familiar with. But, all I can say is that, words are the only thing that I have when I cannot do or say something explicit and obvious. Whatever that I can do or say freely without constraint, it may just be the simplest that I can do. I learn that, they are things you can speak as freely as you want and they are things that can never work when you try doing them sometimes. When you don't see me ranting about somebody, helplessly trying to get help when I cannot do things or anything, you will find me looking for answers in my poetry.
Poetry, especially the lyrical poetry is my obsession. Not only an obsession, it is my salvation apart from my God and my faith. I will write something about what I am emotionally connected to or even other things that I cannot do or say well. I am a very emotionally engaging human being and I can easily feel towards something that I am connected to. Whatever things that people have told me about, I would write most of them and keep them till the day I could tell these with such freedom.
What I learn about writing thoughts and emotions through poetry is that, it can actually suppress my deepest, darkest emotions and mend them without ever making me go insane. They are my seductive trap and I will try as hard as I can to not show them. What I am showing is the true self of mine, but with subtleness. I am not showing it off too much that people would find reasons to hate me. I have a body and a soul that I'm living with every single day. And the same goes to my thoughts as well when I'm writing one. Poetry is the body, and emotions are the souls that it carries along with ...
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